We have a number of standard translations of the English "If English is not your first language and you need a translation, we can get one for you."
Documents can also be made available on request on tape or audio CD, Braille, large print and British Sign Language DVD.
Please use the contact information on this page to request the appropriate format.
Print publications
The following are TIFF or JPEG image files that you can insert into leaflets, posters etc. If your publication will be available in electronic format or you want to use this text in a web page, please do not use these images, see instead the 'electronic publications' section below.
- Archive All languages(456 KB)
- Archive Albanian(7 KB)
- Archive Bengali(13 KB)
- Archive Chinese(13 KB)
- Archive Farsi(7 KB)
- Archive Gujarati(13 KB)
- Archive Hindi(13 KB)
- Archive Kurdish(7 KB)
- Archive Polish(1 KB)
- Archive Portuguese(1 KB)
- Archive Punjabi(13 KB)
- Archive Pushto(7 KB)
- Archive Somali(7 KB)
- Archive Urdu(11 KB)
- Archive Vietnamese(6 KB)
Electronic publications
For publications such as word documents and PDFs, you can copy and paste the text below straight into your document.
For web pages, you will also need to set the correct language attributes on the opening paragraph tag. In all cases xx must be replaced with the two letter language code:
- HTML 4.01:
- XHTML 1.0 transitional and strict:
- XHTML 1.1:
Jeżeli język angielski nie jest Twoim językiem ojczystym i wymagasz tłumaczenia, możemy to zapewnić.
Language code: pl
Se o Inglês não é a sua língua materna e precisa de uma tradução, nós podemos obtê-la.
Language code: pt
Haddii Ingiriisku aanu ahayn afkaaga kowaad oo aad u baahan tahay turjumaad, annagaa kuu samayn karra.
Language code: so