What to do if you want to make a small change to planning permission.
What is a non-material amendment
This depends on the individual planning application. As a guide, we usually won't accept amendments if:
- the application site area is different to the original application
- the application description is different to the original application
- the proposal would result in changes to external details that would materially alter the appearance of the building
- the amendment significantly increases the size of any part of the development
- the amendment increases the height of the building or structure
- the amendment locates any part of the development closer to a neighbour
- the amendment changes windows or doors in any elevation facing a neighbour, which increases overlooking in any way
- the amendment would result in a greater visual intrusion, loss or light or feeling of enclosure to neighbours
- the amendment would affect any relevant objections to the original proposal
- we took enforcement action against your development, for example for not complying with approved plans
You need to make a new planning application for anything that isn't a small change.
How to apply
If you have a legal interest in the land, you can make an application, even if you didn't make the original planning application. Examples of people with a legal interest in the land:
- a freeholder
- a holder of a lease of over seven years
- a mortgage lender
- someone with an estate contract
The case officer who originally dealt with the planning application may be able to provide you with some informal guidance as to whether your proposed change might be considered to be non-material, or if you need to make a new planning application.
Drawings and plans may be required and this advice will not be binding on the consideration of any formal submission.
If it appears that you can submit the amendment as a non-material amendment, you can apply for a non-material amendment online and read the help text at the Planning Portal website.
You should read the application help text for further guidance.
Householder application
If the amendment is for a householder application, the fee is £43.
Other applications
For all other types of application, the fee is £293.
As part of your application, you must serve notice on any owner of the land to which your application relates. You can get the non-material amendments notice from the Planning Portal website.
An owner may be:
- the actual owner
- someone with more than seven years' interest in the land, such as a tenant
- someone who has exchanged contracts to buy the land
Other ways to apply
You can download an application form from the Planning Portal website and send it to us at Development Management, City Hall, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE.
About the application process
In most cases, we won't notify or consult neighbours.
You can remove or change conditions of the original permission, as long as the change is non-material.
Applications and decisions must go on the planning register.
Privacy statement
Read our privacy statement and our pdf Development Management: planning and enforcement privacy notice(118 KB) to see what we do with your personal information.