Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 22 January. Sorry for any inconvenience.

If you or the person you care for has a disability which makes it difficult to get around or to continue to live independently, we may be able to help.


Disabled parking - blue badges

Apply and pay for a blue badge, where you can use it.

Transport - people with disabilities

Get information about community transport, parking  and disabled person's railcard.

Carers' permits for residents' parking areas

Apply for a free visitor's parking permit if you're a carer.

Being part of your community

Getting out and about, day centres, social activities.

Housing options

Care homes, extra care housing, shared lives.

Support to live at home

Adaptations and equipment, mobile meals, electronic aids.

Help for people with learning difficulties

Services we offer for people with learning difficulties.

Buckley Court supported living scheme

Supported housing property for deaf or deafblind adults.

Disability sport

Information about disability sports in Bristol.


Someone to speak on your behalf.