Short term help at home, reablement
Reablement can help you adapt to a recent illness or disability by learning or relearning the skills you need to live independently at home.
Home adaptations and equipment
The right adaptations or equipment can help you to carry on living independently at home.
Disabled adaptations
How to apply for adaptations to your home, grants and financial help.
Help returning home after hospital
How to get help after you leave hospital so that you can return to living in your own home.
Occupational Therapy
What occupational therapy is, how it can help, who can be referred and how.
Guide to Bristol Careline
You can get support from Careline at any time using an alarm button and your telephone line.
Technology enabled care
A range of assistive technology equipment that can help you to live independently and safely in your own home.
Bristol Community Meals
Bristol Community Meals is a food delivery and wellbeing check service for all residents who can't prepare food or don't have time to cook.
Moving between areas: continuity of care
How to get care on the day you arrive in your new area when you move home.
Bristol Community Support Services
We're changing the way that we provide Community Support Services (CSS) to adults with social care needs in the community or at home.
Sensory support service
Housing related support and advice for deaf, blind and deafblind adults.
Strength and balance classes
Staying Steady, a programme of strength and balance classes to help build strength.