How to get short term support at home, who can receive reablement, how much it costs and how to get referred.

When we can help you

We can provide short term help of up to 42 days, to improve your independence at home through a period of reablement support.

This might be following:

  • an injury
  • a stay in hospital
  • a period of ill health at home.

Who can receive reablement

To get short term help from us, you must:

  • be over 18 years old
  • live in the Bristol City Council's boundary


The short term service is free. 

If after your period of recovery you are identified as needing ongoing support, you will have a Care Act assessment which will tell us what kind of services you need. You will be charged once the Care Act assessment is completed. 

When you have a Care Plan in place you will also have a financial assessment to know how much you may need to contribute to the cost of your care.

Alternative services which can improve your safety and comfort in your own home

There are other services that can improve your safety and wellbeing.

Technology enabled care, is a range of equipment that can help you live in your own home safely.

How to get referred

If you're at home, you can refer yourself to Care Direct by:

It might be more appropriate for someone else to make the referral on your behalf, this might be a health professional or family member.

If you are in hospital, the health professionals arranging your discharge will discuss your needs with you and make the most appropriate referral.

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