Information about services for children or young people with additional needs or disabilities.

  • Services for children and young people with additional needs

    Resources and local services for those who think their child may have additional needs and disabilities.

  • Bristols SEND Local Offer

    Information and support for young people  with special educational needs and disabilities.

  • Families, Local Offer, Resources and Advice (FLORA)

    The FLORA team provide information and advice for children and young people with additional needs and their parents and carers. 

  • Specialist health advisors for SEND

    Support for children and young people who are identified as having additional education, health and care needs.

  • Bristol Autism Support (BAS)

    BAS A not-for-profit social enterprise providing information, support and training for parents and carers of autistic children in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
    You do not need a diagnosis of autism to access the support.

  • Bristol Parent Carers

    A participation group for families with children and young people with disabilities and special needs to help influence how services are run.

  • Murmuration Community Therapy 

    Murmuration Community Therapy’s vision is that SEND parent carers and their families feel at home in themselves, with each other, and in the wider world.

  • SEND and You

    The Information, advice and support service for Children and Young People with SEND and their families in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset.