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Your complaints are important to us, they help us improve the work that we do. So if you're unhappy with one of our services, we'd like to know.

Most complaints are dealt with using the council's non-statutory complaints procedure.

However, there are different procedures for dealing with complaints about some social care services for children and adults.

We're a BSI 10002 accredited organisation

80% of complaints are answered with 15 working days.  

We have a process in place so faults raised through complaints lead to service improvements.

Non-statutory complaints procedure

Stage 1

  • We'll establish that your feedback is a complaint and can be responded to through this procedure.
  • You should receive a response within 15 working days.

Stage 2

  • If you're not happy with our response, we'll carry out a review. You'll get a response within 20 working days with our decision.

Procedure for children's social work services (statutory complaint)

Stage 1

  • We'll establish that your feedback is a complaint and can be responded to through this procedure.
  • You should receive a response within 10 working days.
  • If the issue is complex, this may take up to 20 working days.

Stage 2

  • If you're not happy with our response, an Investigating Officer and an Independent Person will carry out a formal investigation. This can take up to 65 working days.

Stage 3

  • If you're still not happy with the response, it will be reviewed by a panel of three independent people. They'll look at how we've dealt with the complaint and make any further recommendations.
  • This can take up to 50 working days.

Procedure for adult social care (statutory complaint)

  • We'll talk with you about your concerns. We'll agree a plan for how your complaint will be looked into, who will look into it and when you can expect a response.
  • If you're not happy with the response, we'll discuss other possible options. This may include a review by a senior manager.

Still not happy with the way we have responded to your complaint

If you decide that you would like your complaint to be independently reviewed, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.

If you are a council tenant and your complaint is about housing, you can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service.

Get an advocate for support

An independent advocate may be able to give you advice, and help you make your complaint about children's or adult social care.

Complaints policy

pdf Bristol City Council Complaints Policy (394 KB)

How to make a complaint guide

Read our pdf guide to making a complaint (103 KB) .

Annual reports