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Find and sign up for courses to build your skills and confidence, including Future Bright.

We help adults with few or no qualifications to gain skills and build confidence, so they can find more learning opportunities or work.

Courses we offer

We offer short courses on a range of subjects, including:

  • Learn for Work
  • Family Learning and Parenting
  • Functional Skills, such as English, Maths and ICT
  • Learning for Community Development
  • ESOL course
  • accredited employability courses, such as First Aid, Food Hygiene, Customer Service

Find and sign up for a course

The Community Learning West website has details of all the courses on offer at the moment.

To sign up, contact Community Learning using the details on the course listing.

Find a courseon the Community Learning West website. 

Costs and how to pay

ESOL courses and accredited employability courses are:

  • free if you're over 19 years old and on a means tested benefit
  • £3 per hour if you're not on a means tested benefit

If you're on a means tested benefit, you need to show us proof that you're claiming this benefit.

All other courses, including English and maths, are:

How to pay

You need to pay any fees in advance.

You can pay online with a credit or debit card. We can help you do this during the enrolment session.

Future Bright

Future Bright offers free career coaching, with access to training and support to help you develop the skills and confidence you need.

Future Bright is available to anyone aged 18 and over in paid work, including part-time, zero hours and self-employed, and receiving benefits or earning below the real living wage.

Find out more on the Future Bright website. Go to https://www.westofengland-ca.gov.uk/what-we-do/employment-skills/future-bright/ (opens new window)