What type of work experience you can do, who can apply, how to apply, what you’ll learn on your placement.
We offer work experience placements in council departments such as:
- customer service
- finance
- public relations and media
- business administration
- groundskeeping
- trades, such as plumbing or electrical work
- project management
This is a list of some of our departments, we have many more available teams for work experience placements across the council.
Our work experience placements run for one week, but they can be flexible, for example a day a week for five weeks. Work experience placements are unpaid.
What you'll do on a work experience placement
On your placement you'll:
- work on real work projects with a mentor to supervise you
- learn about different job roles
- gain a deeper insight into what Bristol City Council do
- keep a diary of your work experience
- get help to improve your interview and presentation skills
Apply for work experience at the council
You can apply to do work experience at the council if you study, work or live in Bristol.
People of any age can apply.
We welcome applications from:
- people with disabilities
- young adults with SEND
- people who aren't in employment, education or training
- people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds
- children in care or care leavers
- people over 55
- ex offenders
- parents or carers returning to work
To apply:
- fill in an document application form(178 KB)
- if you are under 16 your teacher or tutor also needs to fill in the document supportive statement(43 KB)
- email forms to wex@bristol.gov.uk
We'll review your application and look to see how we can help.
We are receiving an extremely high volume of applications with low capacity of teams and may not always be able to offer work experience.
We'll let you know if we can find a placement for you within 21 days after processing.