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Find out what support and advice is available for governors and how to access resources.

The Bristol Governor Development Service is a subscription service offering governors support.

If your school subscribes to their service, you will find their resources and access to their training programme on GovernorHub.

Bristol Governor Development Service support for the roles and responsibilities of being a governor includes:

  • information on the role of the Chair of Governors
  • help with link and named governor roles, in particular guidance and training
  • networking, support and resources for you governance professional: the Clerk to Governors
  • resources to help you recruit a clerk
  • resources to help you recruit new governors

Bristol Governor Development Service can also support you with:

  • understanding the role of governors in improving inclusion
  • equalities and attendance
  • responding to school complaints
  • headteacher recruitment
  • performance management
  • suspensions and permanent exclusions


If you're a governor of a subscribing school, you can also call or email them for advice.

Call: 0117 903 6900

Email: gds@bristol.gov.uk