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What the Local Offer is and what information you can find on the Local Offer site.

What is the Bristol SEND Local Offer

The Bristol SEND Local Offer website is information in one place about what help and support there is in the local area for children and young people with special educational needs or a disability (SEND). 

It's for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND.  

Information for practitioners and professionals about SEND services.

What you can find on the Local Offer site:

  • special educational provision from early years to college
  • health provision
  • social care provision
  • other educational provision
  • training provision
  • preparing for adulthood (transitions), including housing, employment and leisure opportunities

Guide to the Local Offer


Your feedback is essential to how the Local Offer works. You can feedback on any aspect of the site and on the services provided in Bristol. We'll use your feedback to:

  • show providers what is working and what isn't
  • check that what is being offered is being provided
  • ensure that services are well distributed
  • ensure that the site is easy to use

We'll then publish a response to your comments, along with what we have done about them in a regular report.

To leave feedback, please visit the Bristol Local Offer feedback page.