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Arrange collection of domestic waste produced by educational establishments, places of worship, charities, hospitals nursing homes, prisons, or residential hostels.

What are the different types of waste

Depending on how it's created, waste can be:

  • household waste: any waste created in a person's home, which Bristol Waste Company collects on behalf of the council
  • business or commercial waste: any waste that comes from commercial or business activity, for which businesses make their own waste collection arrangements
  • chargeable domestic waste

What is chargeable domestic waste

This is waste created by:

  • educational establishments, such as nurseries, preschools, schools, colleges, universities, and student accommodation owned or managed by these establishments
  • premises used mainly for public meetings
  • places of worship
  • charities
  • hospitals
  • nursing homes
  • prisons
  • residential hostels that only give accommodation to people with no permanent address or who can't live at their permanent address

We charge a fee to collect some of the waste created by these establishments. This will depend on what part of their premises the waste is created in.

Waste from charities

We collect waste from charities that run hostels and refuges in Bristol.

We also collect waste from charity shops that sell donated domestic goods.

We don't collect bulky items, you need to arrange a bulky waste collection for those.

We don't collect waste from other parts of the charity, for example charity offices. You'd need to arrange commercial waste collection for it.

Recycling collection is free with a chargeable domestic waste collection.

Waste from residential hostels

We collect waste created:

  • in the hostel, including food waste
  • in the land belonging to or used in connection with the hostel

Recycling collection is free.

Waste from educational establishments and premises used mainly for public meetings

We charge to collect waste created in these premises. This includes waste created in student accommodation owned or managed by these establishments.

Recycling collection is free with a chargeable domestic waste collection.

Waste from hospitals, nursing homes and prisons

We charge to collect waste created from all premises of the hospital or nursing home.

We don't collect clinical waste.

Recycling collection is free with a chargeable domestic waste collection.

Waste from places of worship

Most waste collection from places of worship is free, if they're exempted from local non-domestic rating. This covers most churches, mosques and synagogues used only for the purposes of worship.

We charge for waste collection from places of worship that aren't exempted from local non-domestic rating.

We charge for waste collection from premises managed by faith groups if:

  • they're a separate premise to the place of worship
  • they're used mainly or only for public meetings

Waste created by non-religious activities is considered chargeable domestic waste, for example waste from:

  • a community cafe run in a church hall
  • groups like Brownies, knit and natter, weight watchers, ran in a place of worship

Recycling collection is free with a chargeable domestic waste collection.

Ask us to collect chargeable domestic waste

We only collect this waste when you ask us to, and you've paid for the service. Payment is in advance, quarterly.

The cost will depend on:

  • the size and number of bins we have to collect
  • the frequency of collection

We can collect every week or every two weeks.

For more information about chargeable waste, or to request the service, email us at chargeabledomesticwaste@bristol.gov.uk