Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 26 March. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Use our general enquiry form to contact us about a waste service not covered by one of our other forms.

To make sure your enquiry gets dealt with as quickly as possible, first check if another form is more suitable.

We have forms for the following queries:

Problems with your Citizen Portal account

We use the citizen portal account for some of our waste services. If you have a problem with your account, see our guide to using the Citizen Portal account

Use the waste enquiry form

If you cannot find a relevant form in the list, you can use our waste services enquiry form.

Do not use this form to send us information you've already sent in another form, as this will delay our response. 

 Contact us about a waste service

We aim to reply within 15 working days. 

If your query is urgent, for example, your collection has been missed, call us as soon as possible. Our advisors are available Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm on 0117 922 2100.