Where you can fish and what licences and permits you need.
Where you can fish
Bristol Harbour
You can fish in certain places around Bristol Harbour:
- on the quay side by Baltic Wharf, between Cottage Inn and Bristol Marina
- between Bristol Bridge and the Glassboat restaurant
- on the quay side in Bathurst Basin
- in the Feeder Canal
pdf Map of Bristol Harbour, showing where you can fish(454 KB)
You must not fish where boats land, such as ferry points or landing stages.
All fish must be returned to the water unharmed.
Parks and green spaces
You can fish with a line or net in any lake or river, in and next to all parks and green spaces, except St George Park.
All fish must be returned to the water unharmed.
Licences and permits
Rod licence
You need a rod licence to fish anywhere for salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eel.
Rules you must follow in Eastville Park
You must:
- fish during the day and only in the open season, which runs from 16 June to 14 March each year
- only fish in marked fishing areas
- not use more than two rods or poles per person
- not put up a tent or other shelter
- put all rubbish in the bin or take it home
- not use floating bait as any birds it attracts might get caught in the hooks and lines