Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 26 March. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Let us know if your bus pass needs to be updated with your new name or address.

Change of address

Change your bus pass details

You'll need:

  • to still live in the Bristol City Council area (your sole or primary residence)
  • to tell us if you're named on your council tax bill so that we can check your address or
  • send us proof of your new address for example a copy of a bank statement or utility bill dated within the last three months

Other ways to apply

If you can't apply online, you can download and fill in a pdf paper application form (196 KB) .

You need to send us proof of your new address. This can be a:

  • utility bill
  • bank statement
  • TV licence
  • driving licence

Send it to:

Change of name

To change your name on your bus pass you'll need to get a replacement pass.

See our replacement bus pass page for more information.