Our pdf publication scheme(671 KB) explains the type of information we publish.
Published freedom of information compliance statistics:
- Freedom of information compliance statistics 2023 to 2024
- Freedom of information compliance statistics 2022 to 2023
- Freedom of information compliance statistics 2021 to 2022
The latest figures will be published one to two months after the end of the quarter to which the figures relate.
Make a Freedom of Information request if you can't find what you're looking for on this page.
How the council works
Council meetings, information about our committees
Our constitution
How the council operates and the procedures which are followed.
Council tax
Read frequently requested information for:
- pdf Liability orders(40 KB)
- pdf Enforcement agents(42 KB)
- pdf Students(43 KB)
- pdf Arrears(44 KB)
- pdf Exemptions(43 KB)
Council tax accounts in credit
We do not publish lists of council tax accounts in credit.
This is in line with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Desicion Notices FS50619844, FS50611353 and FS50643256. You can find these on the ICO website.
Employment, equalities and HR
Employment data, equalities and HR policies
Information about equalities charts, vacant posts, leavers, sickness and temporary employees. Also includes HR policies that we use; worklife balance, expenses and pay policy.
Budget and finances
Council budget
Our revenue and capital budgets, and our medium term spending plans.
Fraud prevention and detection: data matching
How the Audit Commission audits our accounts.
Items or services purchased by the council that cost over £500
Reports go back to 2010 and are done on a monthly basis.
Business rates
Business rates - frequently requested information
Empty properties and credit on accounts.
Pay and allowances
Councillors' allowances and payments
The basic allowance for a councillor is £11,530. Allowances are for time given and expenses.
Senior officers' pay
Pay policy and pay grades for the City Director and senior officers posts.
Policies and reports
What we do with your personal data
Privacy statement.
Performance reports
Decision making
How decisions are made
The role of the council and other committees.
Forward plans
Decisions that are likely to be determined during the next four months.
Births, marriages and deaths
Registers of birth, death, marriage and civil partnership
Order a certificate online, in person or by post.
pdf Public Health funerals - frequently requested information(101 KB)
Empty properties owned by organisations
We cannot give you details of empty properties owned by individuals.
Licences we issue
Includes alcohol and entertainment licences, gambling permits, HMO licensing and taxi licensing.
Open data
Bristol City Council open data
Includes all our open data on data.gov.uk and annual release datasets.
International travel costs
This information is available on the Bristol City Council open data page.