Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 26 March. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Tell us about a problem with a tree in a park or open space, on private land or on a road or pavement.

Report a problem with a tree

Hedges, shrubs or brambles

Blocking a road or pavement
Tell us about a hedge, shrubs or brambles blocking a road or pavement.

Report a blocked road or pavement

In a park or open space
Tell us about a problem with a hedge, shrubs or brambles in a park or open space.

Report a problem in a park or open space

We don't cut hedges that are privately owned. If you're affected by a high hedge, see high hedges: planning advice and guidance.

Leaves and blossom

On a road, pavement or cyclepath
Tell us about leaves or blossom that need clearing from a road, pavement or cyclepath.

Report leaves on a road, pavement or cyclepath

On a footpath
Tell us about leaves or blossom that need clearing from a footpath.

Report leaves on a footpath


Tell us about a problem with grass, such as, cuttings left on a public footpath.

Report a problem with grass