Flyposting is putting a poster, sticker or sign on public or private property without the permission of the owner.

Report flyposting 

We'll remove flyposted material within 2 working days. If the material is offensive, we'll remove it as quickly as we can.


To report graffiti, go to the graffiti page.

In a play area, park or open space

See parks maintenance.


Flyposting is a criminal offence under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Criminal Damage Act 1971. Putting adverts on highway property without the highway authority's permission is an offence under the Highways Act 1980.

You can be fined up to £2,500 for each illegal advert or more for criminal damage.

We'll prosecute people caught flyposting and may issue a fixed penalty notice of £500 if you put up an illegal advert.

We may take legal action against the beneficiaries of flyposting such as the event organisers and licenced premises hosting an event.