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Domestic homicide reviews

The Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership will carry out a domestic homicide review (DHR) when someone aged 16 or over dies as a result of violence, abuse or neglect by a relative, household member or someone theyve been in an intimate relationship with.

The DHR will look at the circumstances that led to the death. This will help professionals understand what happened and what needs to change to reduce the risk of something like this happening again.

Review panel
The DHR will be carried out by a review panel made up of people from the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership. This includes the police Go to https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/ (opens new window), domestic abuse specialist services, health services, fire service Go to http://www.avonfire.gov.uk/ (opens new window) and VOSCUR Go to http://www.voscur.org/ (opens new window). The panel is led by an independent chair.

The panel will look at each agencys involvement in the case and might speak to family, friends and work colleagues of the victim. They will then make recommendations to improve the response to domestic violence in the future.

The DHR report wont say how the person died or whos to blame. The review takes place in addition to other inquires, like an inquest or post-mortem.


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